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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

HA.HA are you kidding me?

he!!who are you?you make me angry haha yaa I'm angry with YOU!
I hate you more, do you know what is in my mind. I think that you're a big liar and you're a very brazen because you try to separate my bestfriend with me! I have told everything to my father, and he said I had to put up with people like you, liar! O
kay, I'll try to be patient and I will keep silent even if you tried to talk to me. One more thing I want you to know is don't be too protect my friend because she is not your slave and she is also not yours. you're not my friend anymore now that you are the big enemy for me. let's go there, go to hell and don't appear before me again.Sorry if I told the truth about you, I knew you are a liar since the first time we met, so don't try to make me angry anymore. This post just for you LIAR!!

1 comment:

  1. maaf ya buat bloggies kalo blog gue gak bermutu tp sumpah ini bener-bener kejadian sm gue jd jangan kapok ya baca posting gue


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