kemaren baru baca"marmut merah jambu" karya raditya dhika, kata nyokap sih ga boleh bacatapi gue juga ga baca semuanya hahaha gue suka ceritannya tentang kucing persia raditya, wooo lucu ngakak (?) apakah kucing gaul wakak, nama kucingnya kan alfa trs sok ngelawak bilang "bukan alfamart tapi alfa nasution". Nasution itu kalo gasalah nama keluarganya raditya dhika, yang lebih kocak lagi namanya alfa itu ada maknanya :L
A : Alfa namanya
L : *lucu buntutnya
F : Funky buntutnya
A : Asoy buntutnya
nyesel ga nyesel sih sebenernya baca buku raditya dhika -..-'
ASTAGA!!!!! ga nyangka ye lo tuh kaya gitu, apa sih mau lo hah??? lesbi lo hah lesbi???
What do you mean? I've calmed down but you that makes me angry. why are you always trying to blame me in front of people? in fact you are the creator's problem, I should have a cry! are you kidding? you are starting a war with me and remember you will lose. I'll start with a good way but if you ask me to do a rough, well we started. damn you! since you come and bother me, my life became a mess.
maybe she chose you, but remember I am not a person who easily hurt by small problems like this. I could change my life for the better and get rid of bad memories of our friendship first. even, I am more comfortable and quiet without people like you, shit!!